Jumat, 13 Desember 2013


Keramik adalah bahan penutup lantai yang paling banyak digunakan di rumah, mulai dari rumah yang kecil hingga rumah yang berukuran besar. Ini karena keramik mempunyai beragam motif, tekstur, ukuran yang dapat disesuaikan dengan rumah-rumah tersebut., dan harganya cukup ekonomis. Namun masalah yang dianggap cukup membebani pemilik rumah adalah bila salah satu dari lantai keramik tersebut pecah.

Biasanya bila salah satu keramik lantai di rumah pecah, Anda akan berpikiran untuk mengganti seluruh lantai. Padahal masih bisa mendapatkan jenis keramik yang sama, Anda cukup mengganti keramik yang pecah. Selama cara memasangnya benar maka lantai keramik Anda tidak akan cacat.

Cara penggantian keramik sebenarnya sangat mudah, bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Peralatan yang dibutuhkan pun sederhana dan mudah didapat. Untuk lebih jelasnya, ikuti saja langkah-langkah berikut ini.

Pertama, Persiapkan alat-alat yang dibutuhkan, yaitu perekat keramik instan, kuas, dan trowel.

Kedua, agar perekat keramik dapat melekatkan keramik dengan baik, sebaiknya bersihkan terlebih dahulu debu yang menempel pada lantai bekas keramik yang pecah. Untuk melakukan pekerjaan ini Anda bisa menggunakan bantuan kuas dengan cara seperti menyapu lantai.

Ketiga, Setelah lantai bersih, segera lapisi dengan perekat keramik instan. Perekat keramik instan ini harus dicampur dengan air secukupnya, sehingga menjadi seperti adonan kue.

Keempat, Ratakan adukan keramik intan dengan menggunakan trowel. Trowel yang digunakan di sini adalah trowel yang bergerigi. Penggunaan trowel ini dimaksudkan untuk menjamin perekatan yang lebih baik antara keramik dan lantai. Udara yan biasanya terjebak diantara keramik dan  lantai akan membuat rongga, yang mengakibatkan keramik tidak menempel dengan baik. Dengan trowel, udara dapat dikeluarkan semuanya. Selain itu, perekat yang digunakan akan lebih irit karena trowel menjamin lapisan perekat yang ada hanya setebal 2-3 mm.

Lima, Segera rekatkan keramik di atas perekat yang sudah ditrowel tadi. Tekan-tekan keramik, dan pukul-pukul dengan palu paret, agar keramik tertempel dengan baik.

Enam, Langkah terakhir adalah mengisi nat yang kosong sehingga akan terlihat lebih rapi. Dan lantai keramik anda pun akan kembali cantik seperti sedia kala.

Tulisan ini dikutip dari :
Tabloid RUMAH, edisi tanggal 28 September – 11 Oktober 2004

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

TILE FLOORING - Classic, Popular, Long-Lasting

When considering flooring options, many people overlook tile flooring. That shouldn't be the case, since tile has been around longer than most types of flooring. It is popular, easy to maintain, and can be used in most any room of your home or business.

Tile Flooring Comes in Many Varieties
Tile flooring has been used around the world for centuries. Evidence of this can be found in the remains of Ancient Greece and Rome, where mosaic tile flooring can be seen. To make these mosaic tiles, small pieces of clay, glass, shell, or other materials were placed into unique, colorful patterns.

Throughout Europe, tile flooring has been used for years. Many styles of tile flooring have been used. One of the most notable types is the stone flooring used in castles and other buildings. To make stone flooring, stones of various types (such as slate, granite, and sandstone) and sizes are arranged and grouted together to make a floor. Careful planning must be used to ensure such floors are relatively flat and don't have abrupt edges people can trip over. However, you can now purchase specially shaped and sanded stones to avoid such problems.

Travertine is a natural stone tile that has increased in popularity. Travertine is a sedimentary rock that began as sandstone and has been used for years. In fact, the exterior of the Colosseum in Rome is built out of travertine. This type of tile comes in a variety of colors and patterns, so it can fit with any decor or design style.

More recently, ceramic and porcelain tiles have been manufactured and used. Such tiles are often used in kitchens and bathrooms and can be used on walls as well as floors. Such tiles are specially designed and glazed to look good and last a long time. Ceramic and porcelain tiles are also easy to clean. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to meet any need.

Tile flooring comes in many designs and patterns. These range from simple 6 inch by 6 inch squares of a single color to marble tile with natural mixtures of colors to ceramic tiles with ornate designs painted on. Whatever your taste and design style, you are sure to find something that fits your needs. In general, bigger tiles look small spaces look larger, while smaller tiles work better on walls or in larger spaces.

Installation Considerations
If you are thinking about installing tile flooring by yourself, there are several things to consider. First, make sure you have an accurate measurement of your room, so you can purchase adequate tile. A good rule of thumb is to buy about 20% more than you think you'll need. This will provide extra for breakage as well as tiles that have to be cut to fit the space.

You next need to consider how you will cut the tiles for corners, edges, or other special situations. Many hardware stores have tile cutters that you can use or rent for a day. Make sure you have proper training for safety purposes.

Another consideration is the type of tiles you want to use. Read about the pluses and minuses of each type of material, and bring home samples to see if you like how they look and feel. Think about the size, pattern, and color of the tile(s) you will use. Make sure the tile is easy to maintain and clean and will fit well is the chosen space. With so many options, the hardest part may be narrowing your choices!

Finally, find a suitable grout to glue your tiles to the floor and fill in the spaces between tiles. You want to find something that is sturdy and that won't crumble or allow your tiles to slide or pop off the floor. Also consider the color of the grout, choosing something that will match the tiles and other items in your room, while looking good and not becoming too dirty or fading over the years.

With a little planning and shopping around, you are likely to find the perfect tile floor. The fact that tile has been used for centuries is a testament to the durability, beauty, and versatility of tile flooring.

The author is interested in home improvement projects, including flooring installation. Her website http://www.laminateflooringsolutions.com has many great resources for those looking to learn more about laminate and other flooring types, including buying and installation.