Senin, 26 November 2012

MATTRESS GUIDE : How to Choose a Good Mattress

The mattress you choose is very important to your quality of sleep, and you should consider a variety of things when purchasing a new mattress. If you're waking up with aches and pains, then it may be time to invest in a new mattress. Over time, mattresses sink in certain places and lack proper support for your body. If your mattress sags in the middle or along the edges, a new mattress may be a good idea because the inner springs are worn out, and eventually the bed will become uncomfortable. Here are a few tips to consider when purchasing a new mattress:

When  you are in the store, spend at least 15 minutes on the mattress. This will determine if the mattress is the right choice. If you sleep with a partner, have them lie on it with you. Spend 5 minutes on your back, 5 minutes on your right side, and 5 minutes on your left side.

The Consumer Reports magazine states that the average price for a good, queen-size mattress is $1,000.

Buy a mattress with simple stitching design, or printed-on stitching. Stitches should be uniform and unbroken - this prevents the fabric from loosening over time.

The mattress needs to support your body at every point. You can purchase mattresses with different support points at the head, center, or ends. Zoned support offers different support levels for different parts of the body.

The mattress may be too soft if you have difficulty rolling over. The mattress may be too firm if your hips or shoulders are uncomfortable. It is recommended to lie on your back and try to slide your hand under the small of your bad. If your hand slides too easily, the mattress may be too firm.

Check the gauge number. This is the thickness of the springs and determines the suspension level of the mattress. Lower gauge numbers refer to firm suspension, while higher gauge numbers refer to soft suspension. A good quality mattress ranges between 12.75 and 15.

Also check the number of coils. They also determine the level of support. A good quality full-sized mattress should have at least 300 coils. Queen sized mattresses should have a minimum of 375 coils, and a king-sized should have a minimum of 450 coils. Experts have said that after the minimum amount of coils, the support level doesn't really make a big difference.

Buy a mattress and box spring together, in a set. Both the mattress and the box spring are designed to work together. Additionally, many manufacturers will void the warranty of a mattress if purchased without the box spring. You should choose a box spring that has coils, as well as the steel or wooden bars. Always use a bed frame and make sure there is center support for larger-sized sets.

If you suffer from allergies, make sure you choose non-allergenic padding or anti-microbial materials.

If you sleep with an infant, waterbeds and pillow-top mattresses pose safety hazards to the infant.

Some stores offer disposal of your old mattress, so check with the store to see if they offer this service.

Try to buy a fire-resistant mattress. Mattresses conforming to the flammability standard have a non-removable label.

You should ventilate a new mattress for a few hours, and leave it unmade for a few hours.

New mattresses may be thicker than your old mattress, and your sheets may not fit correctly on a new mattress. Widths of sheets have changed from about 7 inches to more than 9 inches, so you may need sheets with a deep-pocket corner.

Firm mattresses have fewer layers and stiffer materials, and soft mattresses have extra layers or pillow-top cushioning. Soft foam is preferable for the top padding and batting. Convoluted foam in the middle padding should feel softer and more comfortable than straight foam. Convoluted foam looks like an egg carton.

Are you looking for more information on bed comparison?

Selasa, 13 November 2012


Jangan buyarkan impian mengoleksi buku jika rumah Anda termasuk kategori mini. Asalkan anda pintar mengakali keterbatasan ruang, buku-buku ini tak akan membuat rumah Anda terasa penuh. Mengoleksi buku merupakan hal yang sangat positif. Akan sangat disayangkan jika hobi ini tak jadi terwujud hanya karena alasan tidak ada tempat menyimpan. Memang semakin lama, koleksi buku akan terus bertambah. Dan buku-buku itu mau tdak mau harus disimpan secara khusus, kalau tidak mau dibiarkan menumpuk berantakan.
Di rumah mungil, ruang untuk penyimpanan buku secara khusus itu sangat susah didapat. Membuat ruang khusus seperti perpustakaan, rasanya sudah tak mungkin. Bahkan, menambah satu lemari buku saja rasanya juga tidak ada tempat.

Cara lain? Coba cari sudut-sudut tak terpakai di rumah Anda. Area ini bisa disulap jadi tempat penyimpanan buku. Cara lain, bisa Anda simak berikut, agar koleksi buku Anda tetap tersimpan rapi tanpa menjadikan rumah penuh terisi.

Jadi hiasan
Banyak orang berusaha menyembunyikan rak buku, bahkan ada yang tega menyimpannya di gudang. Padahal, bila dibuatkan rak yang cantik, buku-buku ini bisa menjadi penghias rumah yang unik, menggantikan lukisan dan pajangan dinding lainnya.

Sekat antar ruang
Rak buku juga bisa menjadi semacam sekat antar ruang. Pada rumah-rumah berukuran kecil, biasanya antara ruang tamu dengan ruang keluarga dipisahkan oleh sekat. Nah, gunakan saja rak buku sebagai sekatnya.

Memanfaatkan ruang
Pintar-pintarlah mencari-cari celah dalam rumah. Ruang bawah tangga, garasi yang tidak terpakai, dinding bagian ats, salah satu sudut ruang keluarga, adalah beberapa contoh area yang bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk meletakkan rak buku.

Membuat mezanin
Mezanin adalah salah satu cara Anda mendapatkan ruang tambahan tanpa perlu melakukan perubahan struktur. Mezanin ini bisa dibuat dengan memanfaatkan ruang bawah atap (attic). Ruang tambahan ini bisa Anda gunakan untuk meletakkan rak buku secara berjajar. Kalau cukup luas, mezanin ini bisa menjadi ruang kerja atau ruang baca.

Rak gantung
Yang dimaksud dengan rak gantung adalah rak yang menempel pada dinding, bukan rak yang punya kaki. Rak seperti ini terlihat lebih ringan, tidak membuat ruang penuh, dank arena tidak punya kaki, bagian bawahnya bisa digunakan untuk meletakkan perabot lain, misalnya saja sofa atau meja.

Rak tanam
Kalau ingin ruangan terkesan rapi dan bersih, rak tanam bisa jadi pilihan yang pas. Karena rak masuk ke dalam dinding, luas ruangan tidak berkurang. Sebelum emmbuat rak tanam, pikirkan dulu buku apa yang akan dimuat di situ. Ini karena rak tanam sifatnya permanent sehingga sulit diubah-ubah ukurannya.